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Which Perkins Generator Model Is Best for Your Business?

When you seek an alternative for a source of power which you can rely on, then Perkins Generators UAE can be said to be one of the best choices in the world. These generators are well known for their sturdy design, good fuel efficiency, and the latest technology. These generators are used in a great number of industries in the UAE, where a business cannot afford any disturbance in its operations. Having a range of models to choose from is going to make it almost difficult for you to decide on the best Perkins generator for your business.

In this blog, we have focused on key considerations you should make when selecting the right Perkins generator for your business in the UAE.

Choosing Between Prime, Standby, or Continuous Generators

Generators under Perkins come in different types of operational needs, and the prime, standby, and continuous types of generators can help guide a selection process.

  • Standby Generators: These are very apt for business companies that require some form of secondary power if/when the mains failure occurs. Automatic standby kicks in on mains failure and is ideal for businesses, especially hotels, hospitals, and data centres in the UAE, where downtime is not acceptable.
  • Prime power generator: For businesses where work is conducted at remote locales or areas of an unstable grid, a prime power generator would be a better, stable and more reliable source of primary power. They are usually designed to provide long-term usage in areas requiring constant power input for construction work, mining operations, and rural industries.
  • Continuous power generators: As the name itself clarifies, these generators are used in scenarios where there is a constant and uninterrupted demand for power. They are most often utilised in heavy industries such as oil and gas, as these have no access to grid power and totally depend on the output from the generator.

Perkins generators UAE

Top Perkins Generator Models for UAE Businesses

Though Perkins has many models, here are a few of the most frequently used for businesses in the UAE:

  • Perkins 400 Series: Compact, fuel-efficient models suitable for small to medium-sized businesses or as a required backup power. Ratings: 8 kW up to 60 kW.
  • The Perkins 1100 Series is specifically for medium- to large-sized corporations, which can achieve power outputs of 80 to 250 kW. They’re also very fuel-efficient and long-lasting, making them ideal for applications where continuous or prime power is needed.
  • The 4000 Series: Perkins affords the industrial operation the level of power required from these as well, exceeding 2000 kW with some models. This series is always known to be particularly well suited for heavy-duty applications and, as such, often used in a wide variety of industries, including oil and gas, mining, and manufacturing.


The right choice of a Perkins generator in the UAE is based on factors such as the power requirements of your business, operational needs, and budget. In that way, you are able to choose a model of the Perkins generator which can provide reliable, efficient, and cost-effective power for your business.

In light of the reputation of Perkins, it is tough, fuel-efficient, and low maintenance of the generators, you can be assured of their keeping your operation running smoothly in very challenging environments.

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